Long's Construction has grown from a small home repair company to a Remodeling company.We do anything that is a part of the residential market.There are 4 full time employees and we use a variety of subcontractors in and aroung the community.In 7 years the company has completed numerous addtions, baths, and kitchens as well as windows, doors and siding jobs.We also build garages and sunrooms.Our services are warrantied for 1 year and estimates are free.Our goal is to walk away from our customers home with 1
Rome, GA
(706) 252 0460
Minor Repair and Upgrades
Rome, GA
(706) 235-5555
Remodel, roofing, building
Rome, GA
(706) 936 1426
Rome, GA
(706) 766 5602
Rome, GA
Rome, GA
Rome, GA
(706) 346 1574
, GA
(706) 728-5162
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